Wednesday, August 13, 2008

16 weeks

So I said I wasn't going to bore you with belly shots every week, but I HAD to this week because Mike worked his magic with Photoshop- he's so creative! Here were the results, using both pink and blue since it's still a mystery. The BIG ultrasound is only one week away- everyone keeps telling me it's a boy, but we will see! I also feel like I have finally popped and am now definitely showing!


Sara said...

What a difference a week makes! I thought you looked 'popped' too before I even read your post. I bet you are so excited to find out the sex of the baby. I can't wait to hear!

Mom of Three said...

So cute! I bet you guys are so excited to find out what you are having!

Hey at least you scored higher then me on the house wife test lol. The questions were a riot.

Leah said...

CUTE! I'm so excited for you!

I took the housewife test too and I did awful. HA! I can't say I'm surprised...

Andrea said...

I think you find out today what you're having---yay, I can't wait to find out, even if it's just 'cause I'm completely nosy! =)