Saturday, October 11, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Sara (Life is a Gift, Let's Unwrap It)

Eleven of my Favorite Things:

1. Clothes Shop:
Pretty much all of my favorite stores are located outside of good 'ol Florence, SC, so I have to wait to shop until we go home to VA or order online. I must say I will always be loyal to the GAP, always have, always will be. But I love Ann Taylor Loft (and I am super excited because both of these stores carry maternity clothes!

2. Furniture Shop:
We've recently bought several items from Haverty's because it is here in Florence. I have my eye on a bedroom sleigh set (actually the same one Sara and Nate just bought for their new house)
There is a cute little shop called The Red Brick House which is a few minutes from our house- they have great painted furniture, art, and unique pieces. In fact, it was the last place mom and I went shopping here in Florence when she visited. I can't go in there without thinking of her. Love it!

3. Sweet:
Anything sweet will do, especially chocolate. I also find myself craving cake with this pregnancy (strange!)

4. City:
New York City! You can't beat the energy, excitement, lights, people and shopping!

5. Drink:
White Chocolate Mocha (decaf these days) from Starbucks

6. Music:
Dave Matthews Band is my all-time favorite. I also like Justin Timberlake, Jeremy Camp, Hillsong, the list goes on....

7. TV series:
I am embarassed to admit I don't have a favorite. (I go to bed at 9:30 so most shows I would watch are on at that time) Really, if the TV is on in our house I am watching CNN headline news or Nancy Grace (love her!)

8. Film:
Fried Green Tomatoes

9. Workout:
Oh dear. I don't like to work out. I do like to walk and I have some dance DVDs I use every now and then, but I'm not as dedicated as I should be. We are actually canceling our gym membership to save some money (since we haven't been in quite awhile).

10. Pastries:
I don't do pastries...

11. Coffee:
Starbucks (White Mocha) or homebrewed Breakfast Blend with Pumpkin Spice creamer (which I can't find in any grocery stores in Florence this season to save my life! I am so upset- it is my favorite creamer ever and I look forward to it every fall!)

Now I'm gonna tag Robyn (Naptime is the New Happy Hour) and Cassie (The Oakes).


The Oakes said...

thanks for tagging me...i will get right on it, well as soon as the kids nap.

Sara said...

I fell in love with that bedroom furniture the minute I saw it! We just got the necessary pieces for now but I can't wait to get the whole collection. Love, love, love it!

Now where are the new tummy pics?!