Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Way Things Were...

Even the smallest things remind me of her. The sewing machine I will use tomorrow to make hall monitor sashes; the smell of Tide; the ceramic bowl that holds our fruit; the sight of a mother and her little girl. I miss her. I miss hearing her say, "Yes, Rebecca. This is mom." Every time she called; like I didn't know who it was. The sound of her voice, and the feel of her cheek on mine when we hugged. I miss the way she would encourage me without being asked. I often find myself feeling like the last 7 months weren't it never happened. But it did, and life goes on...and I know she would want us to rejoice that she is with the Lord. I look forward to the day I will see her again. In the meantime, I am reminded that "the joy of the Lord is my strength." (Neh 8:10) He is my joy in times of sorrow, I will lean on Him. He's strength to the weary, joy to the sad and love to the lonely. I just pray that with time this sorrow with fade...

On another note, the breast cancer site donates a mammogram to a woman in need for every time you visit their website and click on the logo. So, visit the website. Happy clicking!


Leah said...

What an honest post. I know this has been so hard for you and I think about it and pray for you often.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Cassie told me that you joined the blogging world...way to go! I will enjoy seeing what another one of the Asbury girls is doing.

The Oakes said...

becca im so happy i will be able to keep up with you this also sooo happy that i finally can tell ellis the name of the dog on our fridge! (from your christmas card.) love you and i think of you all of the time and remember you in my prayers.

The Purvis Family said...

Yeah!!! I am SO happy you started a blog....I check cassie's all the time and I saw on her list 'Cox' and I thought I hope that is who I think it is!! I can't wait to continue reading and keeping up with you and Mike! Keep it coming! I love you and miss you!!

Kendra White said...

Hey Becca,
So good to see you have a blog. Good to hear you are doing well. We are still in KY and have a little boy, John Hunter. Would love to hear from you some time!
Kendra Zoeckler White

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Becca, this is so open and honest and it breaks my heart. I pray for you and your family all the time. Thanks for sharing this - I think it helps you to get things out and helps others to read things like this even if they make you cry!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I am thrilled to make you side list! How fun is this. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a message on my blog about where all the visitors are from. Cassie seems to think it is a little competition as to who gets the most responses...I'm winning so far. :) Take care.

Andrea said...

Hey Becca, First, I am so sorry about your loss. I can't imagine. But I'm glad to see you're pushing through with the Lord's help. Second, I totally remember you from that insane year in the Kresge basement (no wonder you & Beth went over to GC!!) =) I'm glad to be back in touch...keep checking the blog, I update pretty often with pictures & stories about our crazy kid-soon-to-be-2-crazy kids! ~Andrea (Swove) Davis =)